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capioIT Newsletters
The past month has been one in which the impact of cloud has been reinforced more than ever before. As early adopters of cloud mature, it is clear that success in the cloud will not occur with a static and singular strategy or approach by either buyers or sellers. An increasingly visible example of this relates to age of the target buyer of cloud services.
Research by capioIT highlights an increasingly significant disconnect between the approach of Millennials and Baby Boomers to the cloud. The pivotal age has an over/under of approximately 50 years old. Our research has shown that a significant number of Baby Boomers (who also often tend to be cheque signers) have not yet fully crossed the chasm to widespread cloud adoption. Millennials on the other hand have not only leapt the chasm they are typically at the front end of innovation across PaaS, SaaS and IaaS and want more.
Innovation was a theme for capioIT in July. This is not unusual of course. Innovation is the most tagged item for capioIT research and a favourite topic in any month. We have highlighted some unique perspectives and application of innovation identified this month.
Our CEO, Phil Hassey was in Tokyo this month. Japan has been a traditional home of innovation in process, product and participation. Unfortunately, the competitive advantage that this innovation at the national level provided stalled in recent years. Competition from Korea, Taiwan and China, and the US has had a substantial impact on established powerhouse companies such as Sony, Panasonic and Mitsubishi.
It is amazing to realise that we are now officially halfway through 2014. We hope that you are on track to deliver any major professional and personal goals for 2014. Currently there are some tough environments but there is still significant time left this year to achieve your goals.
capioIT spent a lot of time in June looking at the issue of disruption for legacy IT vendors. To say the impact of disruption is massive and accelerating is a huge understatement. The impact is everywhere. The good news is, that it is far from game over and not suffocating for all, serious inertia is required now in order to avoid being left behind.
June has rapidly come around. For many there is only a month to decide if the first half of 2014 has been good business wise, or if it has provided an overly challenging environment. I hope that your company will have a good first half to 2014 that accelerates through the year.
Having long promoted ASEAN as one of the hottest global markets, the recent coup in Thailand was a disappointing setback. capioIT believes that it will have a disruptive influence on the Thai market for at least the next two years. We have scaled back expectations and forecasts accordingly. At this point in time there will be limited ASEAN impacts.
The year appears to be accelerating rapidly. It is hard to believe that we have now started May. Firstly, a big thank you for the feedback from the March and April newsletters. The direct input and feedback is greatly and genuinely appreciated.
It was exciting to see positive news coming out from Papua New Guinea in the last month. It is one of the most economically and socially marginalized markets globally. The bright news was two-fold.
ExxonMobil commenced operations on its gas fields in the Southern Highlands significantly boosting the economy
As far as capioIT is aware, the largest domestic IT deal in the country’s history was signed.
This is the second edition of our newsletter, and we are excited to be able to share with you some of our research and insight.
The first quarter of calendar year 2014 is now behind us. As with most quarters, the technology and business sector continued to have an unbridled and disruptive attitude. The radical contrast between old and new technology was highlighted by IBM selling its server business for $2.3B to Lenovo (revenue approx.$5B), and Facebook paying $19B for WhatsApp (revenue maximum. $0.1B).
Welcome to the first capioIT Newsletter!
Welcome, and thanks for taking the time to read the first ever capioIT newsletter. We have tried to ensure that it is an effective use of you and your colleagues’ time. Please feel free to pass it on and distribute it far and wide.