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Sustainability Principles
capioIT Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Process and Procedures
Creating positive Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability outcomes is at the heart of the operational and philosophical core of capioIT. capioIT is also unequivocal that suppliers and sub-contractors alike also adhere to both the philosophy and practical processes of the capioIT sustainability philosophy.
Legal Compliance
capioIT and related parties is compliant with all legal requirements for environmental sustainability and CSR in the state of New South Wales, Australia. We have not received any fines or penalties for non-compliance. Furthermore, there are no activities for which any breach could reasonably be expected.
Sustainability Activities
capioIT operates in a shared working facility. As a result of this, whilst metrics are difficult to isolate, the following practices are in place to ensure minimalisation of footprint from an ecological perspective and maximization of positive outcomes from reduction and recycling
All lighting in the office is Australian approved Low Voltage lights.
Individual workplaces do not have work light.
80% of work is undertaken using natural light.
No Air-conditioning system is in place. Any cooling is from natural sources.
capioIT has targeted a 10% reduction in paper usage each year. In 2013 we anticipate a reduction in paper of over 20%
There is a commitment to making capioIT operate in a paperless environment where at all possible given the nature of the work.
The overwhelming majority of paper printed is reused, then shredded and taken to a local composting facility. All other paper/cardboard is recycled, and taken to a local government recycling facility.
Renewable energy sources are a critical aspect of the sustainability approach. In the capioIT office, solar panels have been fitted. Any excess electricity generated is redistributed back to the local energy grid.
Training Activities
All staff, and sub-contractors are formally trained to have both awareness and compliance with the sustainability program at capioIT. This training is undertaken by one of the co-founders who has a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Geography, and has acted as an Environmental and Sustainability Consultant.
Audits and ongoing management
Each year capioIT audits its internal process and looks to informally benchmark with other local organisations to ensure best practice and compliance.
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