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Technology Buyers


Principle Studies
Research focused for buyers of technology.

September, 2014

capioIT is excited to release the 2014 Global Systems Integration and Services Market Capture Share Report. This extensively researched report supports global technology buyers by evaluating the key strengths and weaknesses of 14 prominent Systems Integration and Services providers.

According to capioIT CEO Phil Hassey; “ has been a global innovator not just in CRM and SaaS, but also the PaaS market. It has created an ecosystem around itself to maximise customer outcomes.” The initial focus of “simply swiping a credit card” and non-IT teams buying limited the requirements of implementation services. However, as the complexity of deployments increased, alongside concerns over data quality and integration, the growth in services and systems integration requirements has accelerated across the ecosystem.

February, 2014

capioIT has released the 2014 Asia Pacific BI and Analytics Platform Marketplace Capture Share Report. This extensively researched report supports Asia Pacific technology buyers by evaluating the key strengths and weaknesses of 14 prominent emerging BI and Analytics Platform providers in the Asia Pacific region.

Decemer, 2013

capioIT has announced the release of the 2013 Australian Infrastructure Services Capture Share report. This extensively researched report supports Australian technology buyers by evaluating key strengths and weaknesses of 16 leading Infrastructure Services providers in Australia.

November, 2013

Emerging Market advisory firm, capioIT is excited to release the 2013 Asia Pacific Natural Resources IT Solutions Market Capture Share report. This extensively researched report helps underpin technology buyer decision making by evaluating key strengths and weaknesses of 14 leading IT Solution providers in the Natural Resources sector across the Asia Pacific region.

April, 2013

We are excited to release the 2013 capioIT Asia Pacific BI and Analytics Solutions  Capture Share report. It highlights the overall key strengths and weaknesses of 13 leading BI and Analytics Solution and services providers in the Asia Pacific region.

This report highlights that whilst there is a diverse number of BI solutions providers with a range of skills and capabilities, leadership for Asia Pacific BI and Analytics solutions is clearly held by IBM.

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Capture Points 2014
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Capture Points 2013

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